Blunder Friend.

I've seen you grow, I've seen you flounder
We've been in rows, And in all blunders
I've watched you win, And sometimes fail
Watched you try gin, And spit it out again

I loved you once, then hated you forever
And loved you again, to stop it, never
But to see you lose it, what you've worked for
And to stand by, and do nothing at all

I told you once, it bids me to repeat
That whatever it is, ill help you with it
You don't have to ask, I will anyway
I wont stay put and watch you stray

I encouraged it once, Have Fun, I said
I wish to take it back, have it re-phrased
I love you too much, to let you be a statistic
Of those who do drugs, or those bulimic

You'll hate me forever, to this you swear
It's a tiresome for only me burden to bear
But I want you to live, and live it long
And stay in sanity, with me, where you belong

I remember the 15 yr old you
The one who had miracles to do
The one who laughed hard, and loved harder
The one I called my bigger brother

If he saw you now, he'd wail and weep
For all his big dreams lay in ashen heaps
But the future you, looks back and smiles
That he had me, to carry him those miles

I wont turn away, watch you fall asunder
I wont let you stray, or cause this blunder
It's tough now, I promise it'll be better
And one day you'll say: "That Patience: I don't regret her."


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